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How Can You Save Money Even on a Shoestring Budget?

Feasible and straightforward tips for saving money without sweating

Saving money is one of the most productive habits one can learn. However, it is not that easy to save money when you are on a shoestring budget. Well, thanks to the internet, with a little help from various online platforms, you can make easy mone

Facts You Should Know Before Filling Paid Surveys

Myths and facts about paid surveys

There is no easy way to pay your bills except earning through a job or business. If you are born with a big silver spoon, that would be a different story. But easy ways exist to top your monthly take-home: now earn money through surveys.


How to Make Money Online: Free and Legit Ways?

How to Make Money Online: Free and Legit Ways?

The world is a small place, now that you are connected through the internet. And that gives you ample opportunities in legit ways to make money online. Your so-called well-wishers might call these methods scams or lethargic. But many of these are popular ways to earn money through the internet. Also, they can be your livelihood for the entire life.

Can Online Surveys Help to Pay Your Debts?

Online surveys are not a scam, and they can help you to supplement your salary.

“The longer you’re not taking action, the more money you’re losing” - Carrie Wilkerson, best-selling author and international speaker.

So, if you aren’t trying to make money online when the i

Tech Trends You Need to Follow in Market Research

Top 5 Tech Trends

IAB’s 2021 marketplace outlook survey mentions data privacy to be the topmost challenge this year for the buyers. And Covid-19 has put customers at the center. According to IAB, technology and analytics will be 2 signifi

Consumer reopening trends – FMCG

The fated reopening of FMCG industries after the COVID-19 Pandemic lockdowns.

The Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry experienced a rocky but widely anticipated reopening. The majority of the global population survives on the products from the FMCG sector. Whether it is instant food or snacks, whether it is over-the-counter medicines or toiletries – almost every product modern man uses regularly at home comes from this ind

Remote working is the new workplace trend

How work-from-home is creating new workplaces for companies.

If there’s one silver lining to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will have to be the newest trend that emerged out of necessity - remote working. When the news of a deadly contagion transmission broke, the world scrambled to make sense of what was soon going to become the new normal.

Do The Smart Thing And Ask Stupid Questions

Why surveys ask you to answer seemingly simple questions

It’s not just teachers who say that there’s no such thing as a stupid question. Psychologists and sociologists agree on the fact that the complexity of a question has nothing to do with how much or how little someone understands something.

In fact, Nobel prize winning physicist


Routine Testing of Other Respiratory Pathogens and SARS-CoV-2 for better Disease Management

As of 19th April 2020, COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) or SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) has 23,29,651 reported cases globally.

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Tourism Industry

The industry being impacted the most by the pandemic.

Travelling is the first thing to get cancelled on every plan around the world once the pandemic was declared. Whether the travel was recreational or professional, plans got cancelled world over. Look, nobody wants to travel during a pandemic. Even once the pandemic passes, people are going to be sceptical about travel.

Why you should always be honest on your surveys

4 Reasons Being Honest on Surveys is Important

Nowadays, everything has a survey associated with it. You could be out eating a meal, flying in an airplane, joining a new dance class or attending a seminar at your college: no matter where you go, you’ll find a few questions in front of you.

Most of the times, we do not pay attention to how

Do Proper Market Research For Your Product Or Service

Knowing the condition of the market and understanding how it works is what determines the success of your product/service’s launch. Here's an article showing you the basics of market research.

Any product that hits the market aims to be sold. If there are legitimate reasons for consumers to buy a product, they will buy the product. Market research helps with that. It understands the reasons a consumer buys any product.

Programmatic Sampling – A Beginners Guide

Programmatic Sampling – A Beginners Guide

“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.” 
- James Cash Penney, the Founder of JC Penney

Ours is an era where the technology penetration rate is rapidly increasing; social media is revolutionising the mind-sets of the society; the corporate roles a

The Simplest Ways To Become Better At Something

You either sacrifice your comforts or you understand your limits

We all want to get better at something. Whether it’s a creative skill or a physical skill, we try to upscale our lives regularly. To do that, we either attend crash courses, or we practice a lot. We push ourselves to get better, and it oftentimes tends to pay up.

However, sometimes that routine tends t

How User Behaviour Towards Gaming Changed During the Pandemic?

How it is becoming a key source of entertainment for everyone.

The entire world was forced to go online once the pandemic lockdowns began. Besides the entertainment available online, people, especially people who were locked in alone, had nothing to do. All people essentially did was talk to each other online, watch videos, and play games online. These three industries helped a lot of people pass time during what are obv

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